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Bids and Proposals


All purchases made and contracts entered by North Shore School District 112 are in accordance with Illinois law. All contracts are approved or authorized by the Board of Education. Those in excess of $35,000 are made in accordance with the state bidding procedure unless specifically exempted by Illinois School Code. 

North Shore School District 112 is currently accepting bids or requests for proposals for the following:

(Click on the item below to view bid/proposal specification documents)

It is the vendor's responsibility to check the website 24 hours before the due date to see if any addenda have been issued regarding any bid or request for proposal.

Current Bids/RFPs/RFQs, Addendums, and Advertisement to Bid


Bid Results

Bid Award for Lawn & Grounds Maintenance

Bid Award for Sherwood Elementary Additions and Renovations- Bid Release 1

Bid Award for Copy Paper

Bid Award for Food Service Management Company (FSMC)

Bid Award for Custodial Services

Bid Award for Before and After School Care

Bid Award for Ravinia School Additions and Renovations- Bid Release 2 Rebid

Bid Award for Ravinia School Additions and Renovations

Bid Award for Indian Trail Elementary School Renovations Project

Bid Award for Oak Terrace Early Childhood Remodel

Request for Proposal for Middle School Schedule Revision

Bid Award for the Lawn and Grounds Maintenance Services

Bid Award for the Regular Student Transportation Services

Bid Award for the Managed Network and Cybersecurity Services

Bid Award for the Equity and Inclusion Audit Services

Bid Award for the Crossing Guard Services

Bid Award for the Oak Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction

Bid Award for the Special Education Student Transportation Services

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 6 

Bid Award for the Indian Trail School Access Road

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 5 

Bid Award for the Student Photography Services

Bid Award for the Student Services Department: Program Evaluation

Bid Award for the Flooring Services

Bid Award for the Painting Services to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 4

Bid Award for the Painting Services

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 3

Bid Cancellation of the Indian Trail School Access Road

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 2

Bid Award for the Fire Alarm Replacement

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 1 - Elevator Work

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 1 - Site Utility Work

Bid Award for the Additions & Renovations to Northwood Jr HS - Bid Release 1 - Building Demolition Work

Bid Award for the Replacement of the BAS Master Controllers at Red Oak and Indian Trail Elementary School

Bid Award for the Replacement of the BAS Controls at Oak Terrace Elementary School

Bid Award for the Chiller Replacement at Oak Terrace Elementary School

Bid Award for the Oak Terrace Elementary School Athletic Field

Bid Award for the Northwood at Elm Place Middle School Kitchen Equipment

Bid Award for the Custodial Services

Bid Award for the Red Oak Elementary School Kitchen Renovations

Bid Award for the Before School and After School Childcare Program

Bid Award for the Internal Audit Services

Bid Award for the Food Service Equipment

Bid Award for the Food Service Management Company

Bid Award for the District-Wide Copy Paper

Bid Award for the RFQ Architectural Services

Bid Award for the 2018 Summer Renovations

Bid Procedure Process