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NSSD 112 is committed to providing, safe, efficient, and reliable transportation to our students. The District has a partnership with First Student Transportation to provide bus service to students. Other services related to transporting students to and from school, including students with special needs, are also provided within the District.

Frequently Asked Transportation Questions

Route Information
Students who are eligible for free transportation will receive a letter 10 days prior to the start of the school year. The letter will provide the pickup & drop off locations & times.

Student Transportation Request:
Bus routes are created based on the student’s home address, unless an alternate location has been received no later than July 1.

Transportation Request Forms:

Note: If the pickup and drop off location is the student's home address, there is no need to submit a transportation form.

Different Pick-Up or Drop-Off Location: 
Any transportation request for a pickup and/or drop off location different than the home address for the following school year must be received no later than July 1. In order to maintain continuity, bus routes may not be altered during the first two weeks of the school year. If no request is received, the student’s home address will be used to establish the route.

Safety Hazard Zones
IDOT requires the NSSD 112 Board to annually approve Serious Safety Hazard Zones.

If you have questions regarding safety hazard zones, please contact the transportation office at 224-765-3011.

Student Safety Stop-Arm Camera Program
In accordance with 625 ILCS 5/11-208.9, the district's school buses that operate within the City of Highland Park are equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system.

Who to Call With Questions
Parents who have a bus problem that needs immediate attention should call First Student at 847-724-7200. Call First Student with questions related to a bus running late, complaints or compliments about a driver, or general bus operations. Other questions, including changing a bus stop, eligibility for transportation services, school boundaries, and district policies and procedures related to transportation should be directed to the Transportation Office at 224-765-3011. 

When There Is A Bus Accident
All school bus accidents must be reported immediately. This includes non-collision type accidents that result in any damage to the bus, injury to the bus driver, or passengers. In case of a bus accident, the driver has been instructed to contact dispatch and the Police Department as quickly as possible. The top consideration is the safety and well-being of all students. The Transportation Office is notified by the driver/contractor as soon as possible. The Superintendent of Schools, School Principal(s), and parents will be notified of the accident through the district's communication system. A designated district staff member will be present at the site to assist, answer, or refer all inquiries, and investigate the accident. If there are no injuries, the students will remain on the bus until the Police have finished the investigation process and authorized students to be released to parents, or the bus can continue its route. During the investigation process at the site, parents will be contacted to keep them informed and ask them if they prefer to pick up their own student(s).

When Buses are Late
If routes are running late, every effort is made to notify parents and guardians by phone through the district's communications system.  Parents are asked to please notify their child's school office with any changes in contact information.  

Eligibility and Fees 
District 112 provides free bus transportation to all K-8 students who reside 1.5 miles or more from their assigned schools, or who reside less than 1.5 miles from their assigned school where walking to school would constitute a serious hazard as determined by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Students who are not eligible for free transportation may be allowed to ride the bus on a route and space-available basis. Please contact the Transportation Office to verify if there is an available route before paying a fee. The transportation fee is $495 for the school year.


IDOT requires the NSSD 112 Board to annually approve Serious Safety Hazard Zones.

If you have questions regarding safety hazard zones, please contact the transportation office at 224-765-3011.


Transportation FAQs


Notice is hereby given, in accordance with 625 ILCS 5/11-208.9, that the District's school buses operating within the City of Highland Park are equipped with an automated traffic law enforcement system.