Accidents and Injuries
Every effort is made to prevent accidents.
If an accident occurs at school, first aid is administered and the family is contacted. Parents are required to complete emergency information forms at the time of registration. It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that up-to-date emergency information is always on file in the school office. This includes telephone numbers of two relatives, friends, or neighbors who we may contact in the event that a parent cannot be reached.
Return to School Form
When an injury occurs and it is determined by a medical expert that a child must miss school, parents must have a Return to School Form signed by a doctor and returned to the child’s school main office.
Sport Concussion Information
A student athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion in a practice or game shall be removed from participation or competition and may not return to play or school until approved by a doctor with a signed Return to School Form.
IHSA Concussion Information Sheet IHSA Return To Play Policy
Student Accident Insurance
District 112 has insurance coverage for injuries sustained during school hours or during school-sponsored activities. The District’s response to accident policy requires that all student incidents and accidents be reported to the school nurse. It should be understood that some of these incidents may be of a more serious nature and may require additional medical services beyond those that the school nurse is able to provide. Parents who incur additional medical costs associated with their child’s injury that occurred during school hours or during a school sponsored activity should contact the school nurse in order to complete the appropriate claim form.