Injury Guidelines
In accordance with Board Policy 7:260, written documentation from a child’s health care provider needs to be provided to the school in the event that a child has to be excused from recess or physical education beyond 3 consecutive school days. A parent note is required to excuse a child from such activities up to and including 3 days.
There may also be times when a child’s physician determines that the child can participate in recess or physical education with restrictions. The guidelines below have been developed to inform consistent practice across the district.
Please note: The Return to School Form is available in the nurse’s office and on the Health Services Website.
Student Accident Insurance
District 112 has insurance coverage for injuries sustained during school hours or during school-sponsored activities. The District’s response to accident policy requires that all student incidents and accidents be reported to the school nurse. It should be understood that some of these incidents may be of a more serious nature and may require additional medical services beyond those that the school nurse is able to provide. Parents who incur additional medical costs associated with their child’s injury that occurred during school hours or during a school sponsored activity should contact the school nurse in order to complete the appropriate claim form.
- Parents are required to submit The Return to School Form completed by their child’s health care provider upon return to school following an injury where a student will either be excused from recess and physical education beyond 3 consecutive days OR will require restrictions in recess or physical education.
- In the event that a parent submits a form completed by the child’s health care provider that contains information that is similar to that contained in The Return to School Form, the nurse may accept the doctor’s form in lieu of The Return to School Form.
- The school nurse will review The Return to School Form or the similar form completed by the child’s health care provider.
- Following the review, should the nurse determine that additional information is needed, the nurse will follow up with the parent or the child’s physician (upon obtaining the proper release to do so).
- The school nurse will make copies of The Return to School Form or the similar form completed by the health care provider and will verbally communicate and distribute them to personnel that interact with the student on a daily basis (e.g., the principal, the child’s teacher(s), PE teachers, specials teachers, and lunch and recess supervisors
- If any school employee has questions about whether or not a student can participate in recess or gym or has activity restrictions; the employee shall be informed that he/she must check with nurse before the student participates.
- In the event that an incident report is completed, and the student has received medical attention, the student will not be able to participate in recess or physical education or any other physical activity until the parent has been contacted and a note or form is received. The nurse shall follow up with the parents or the student after every incident report that has been completed.