Elementary Advanced Learning Opportunities
In August of 2022, North Shore School District 112 launched a district-wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework to support each learner in achieving their full potential. Through a comprehensive system of individualized academic and social emotional support, including robust strategies for both intervention and extension, students receive proactive strategies, lessons, and tools to grow academically and socially.
As part of each elementary student’s day, a 30-minute Student Success Block (SSB) occurs where students have the opportunity to work independently or in small groups in their classroom to review, be re-taught, or extend learning on essential skills and knowledge for their grade level. During SSB, some students may be pulled out of the classroom by a related service provider (e.g. Math Interventionist, Social Worker, Reading Development Teacher, ALO Teacher, Special Education Resource Teacher, etc.) for interventions or extensions.
To support academic extension within District 112, K-5 students have the opportunity to participate in Elementary Advanced Learning Opportunities (ALO). Participation in ALO services is fluid and changes with the administration of each math unit’s pre-assessment. If your child will be pulled out of SSB to work with an ALO teacher, you will be notified when the unit of instruction begins and when it is completed. When your child is in a group with the ALO teacher, they will be provided with learning experiences that extend on standards that are taking place during their daily math instruction. In alignment with the launch of the District 112 MTSS Framework, changes were made to the ALO program. Please review this document with additional details regarding the various options of support for academic extension through ALO.
Feel free to reach out to your building principal with any questions!