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Instructional Framework

As leaders, learners, and partners, the Teaching and Learning team support and empower NSSD112 educators. We commit to ongoing collaboration through meaningful and engaging professional growth experiences with high-quality resources. 

Instructional Framework

The District has adopted a framework that guides instructional practices across all schools. This framework is based on the Art and Science of Teaching by Robert J. Marzano, which offers high-impact strategies that have been proven to be the most impactful in the classroom. These strategies are meant to create the conditions needed for students to exhibit growth in the classroom. Of the 43 strategies put forth by Marzano, the District has selected to focus on the 12 elements listed on this page and add others in the future.

Instructional Framework: Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals 1. Providing scales and rubrics. 2. Tracking student progress  Using Assessments 4. Using informal assessments of the whole class   Conducting Direct Instruction Lessons 6. Chunking content 7. Processing content 8. Recording and representing content  Using Strategies That Appear in All Types of Lessons 19. Reflecting on learning 22. Organizing students to interact Using Engagement Strategies 23. Noticing and reacting when students are not engaged  Implementing Rules and Procedures 33. Establishing rules and procedures  Building Relationships 39. Understanding Students backgrounds and interests  Communicating High Expectations 41. Demonstrating value and respect for reluctant learners