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Student Safety

At North Shore School District 112, we are committed to promoting a safe and responsible digital environment for students. This page provides a resource for parents/guardians to monitor their child's technology use at home, as well as a tool the district uses to ensure online safety and appropriate device usage in school. Together, we can help students develop healthy digital habits and stay safe online.

Student Device Filtering - Securly

District 112 currently utilizes a platform called Securly that provides 24/7 content filtering for student devices.

This platform both use artificial intelligence to classify and block content as needed on student devices, regardless of if the device is on the District network or the device is at home.

Keep in mind that no filter can block every inappropriate site.

Parent/Guardian Access

Securly offers an accompanying app for Parents/Guardians so they, too, can monitor student web browsing while outside of school hours.

Securly Home

Parents/Guardians interested in setting up Securly Home can request an account be set up by visiting the Technology Services Support site and selecting "Sign Up for Securly Home." 


North Shore School District 112 and Gaggle have joined in a partnership to keep District 112 students safe when they use Google Workspace for Education from Google. District 112 will use Gaggle Safety Management for G Suite to further promote student and educator productivity in a safe and controlled environment which adheres to the District's Electronic Acceptable Use Policy.

Gaggle Safety Management combines technology with expert safety representatives, who review content 24/7 to assure students are safe. Gaggle identifies inappropriate words and images in Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, and more. Trained professionals then apply consistent, school- or district-approved policies for positive intervention, alerting building principals if there is an imminent threat to a student. The Gaggle Safety Management Team determines where incident content falls based on an Incident Response Rubric.

Gaggle has been providing safe online learning products and solutions to schools and educators since 1999. The company's focus remains on student safety so educators can have the confidence to allow learners to take advantage of current technology for communication, collaboration, and learning.

In short, Gaggle identifies three types of incidents: (1) User Violations, (2) Questionable Content (QCON), and (3) Possible Student Situations (PSS).  Students are emailed directly about “User Violation” offenses stating that what they are doing, saying, or sending is inappropriate.  Principals are directly emailed for the other two incident types, Questionable Content (QCON) and Possible Student Situations (PSS), and can investigate and respond to incidents as appropriate. More information about the different types of incidents can be found on the Gaggle Safety Management video.